Protecting Your Assets: Trusts vs. Wills

When it comes to estate planning, protecting your assets and ensuring a smooth distribution to your heirs is one of the main goals. Two ways of achieving this is by creating a Trust or a Will. Both have distinct advantages and serve different purposes. It’s important...

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An Introduction to Guardianship

Guardianship is a legal process through which the court appoints someone known as a guardian to provide support and care for individuals who are unable to make decisions for themselves due to incapacity. It can significantly impact the lives of everyone involved....

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The Importance of Estate Planning

Estate planning is one of those topics that often gets pushed to the bottom of our to-do lists. It's a subject that can be uncomfortable to think about, as it forces us to confront our own mortality. However, estate planning is not just about what happens after we're...

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This is the Post You’re Looking For

With the coming of May, people are making plans to celebrate a popular annual event. No, I’m not talking about Mother’s Day, although that’s an awesome day to celebrate, too. I’m thinking of a fairly new holiday that has really taken hold in recent years: Star Wars...

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Let’s Go, O’s!

March is an exciting time for baseball fans because March is all about spring training—when MLB teams take up residence in southern locations to prep for the new season in warm climates. Many Floridians are at least part-time fans of the Baltimore Orioles, who have...

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Love, Marriage, and Legal Matters

It’s February, which means that songs about love and marriage fill the airwaves. Craft stores are filled with red, white, and pink displays. Movie ads shift from action-adventure to romantic comedy. And, in a recent development, Valentine’s Day is now the most popular...

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